Saturday, December 8, 2007

Crib Safety Standards - What You Need To Know

Choosing a crib for your baby is the first of many important decisions you will make concerning your child. While shopping for the crib may be fun and exciting it should also be taken quite seriously. Each year many children are hurt or killed in their very own cribs. Crib safety standards have come a long way in the last 30 years but it's up to you as parents to ensure that the crib you choose isn't going to harm your little one.

Crib Design Safety

Cribs are designed with vertical bars or slats to keep the child safely contained inside. These bars can be too far apart and pose a possible threat to children if they get their head stuck. Vertical slats should be no more than 2+3/8 inches apart. All new cribs are built to meet this standard; however, to be sure you should always measure the crib.

The corner posts of the crib should be no higher than 1/16 inch above the end panels. This is so that the child can't get a loop of clothing accidentally caught on the ends. Choose a crib without cutouts on the ends as these can pose a threat for small hands and feet to become stuck. The top rails of the sides at their highest position should be at least 26 inches above the top of the mattress support at its lowest position.

Once the child can pull himself up to a standing position keep the mattress support on the lowest setting. You should stop using the crib once the height of the child is more than ¾ of the height of the raised rail. The drop sides of the crib should be latched securely and require at least ten pounds of pressure to release. Crib hardware should be smooth with no sharp points or protruding edges.

Crib Mattress Safety

The mattress itself is another safety concern. Choose a mattress that fits snugly into the crib. Cribs and crib mattresses are designed with specific sizes for this purpose. Infants can become wedged in between the mattress and crib if there is even a small amount of room. Use the two-finger rule. If you can fit two fingers in-between the mattress and the crib the space is too large and a new mattress needs to be obtained.

Never leave the plastic covering on the mattress once you get it home. Also, avoid using plastic sheets as these can cause a suffocation hazard to infants. Choose a firm mattress so that the child lies on top rather than sinks into it. Use tight bedding on the mattress as well.

Baby crib safety is an important consideration when thinking about using an antique crib. While the style may go well with the décor of the room remember that cribs made before 1974 likely don't adhere to the safety standards. When shopping for the crib be sure to measure all aspects of the crib, even those that are brand new.

Most cribs need to be assembled at home. Incorrect assembly can make an otherwise safe crib into a safety hazard instead. Follow directions completely and always test the crib features before placing an infant inside.

Article written by Randi Reese, she offers a wide selection of unique baby cribs, including the popular Davinci crib.

Pros and Cons of the Baby Bottle Warmer

To some people, the use of the baby bottle warmer is the greatest appliances made for babies ever. With any type of electronic product, there are usually pros and cons associated with it. This article will examine the benefits and downside in using the baby bottle warmer to heat the baby's food.

There are many benefits that are associated in using the baby bottle warmer. The most important is the fact that it is able to keep the liquid in the bottle at a constant temperature. If a parent was supposed to heat the bottle on the stove or in the microwave, it would be a hassle to be constantly checking to see if it was warm enough or if it was too hot. Another benefit in using this product over the microwave is the uneven way in which the microwave heats food. There can be spots in the milk or formula that could be either too hot or too cool and there is no consistency. Another benefit is the fact that in some cases you can heat the baby's food while you are out on the road or are travelling. Simple warmers that use batteries or a car adapter are available to ensure that the baby will always have his food warm when he needs it.

The baby bottle warmer is not without some cons. It is very useful at heating the product, but sometimes inferior products heating element can get so hot that it possibly could melt the bottle. There also have been complaints from parents who feel that the formula or milk did not get heated to the proper temperature. This could be extremely annoying if you have a hungry baby and their food is not warm enough. Another concern that parents had was the fact that sometimes it would take a long time for the bottles to warm up to a respectable level. The optimum time stated by some manufacturers was in the region of 4-9 minutes. However depending on the model then the time to accomplish this could be way ahead of the stated period.

In closing the baby bottle warmer is a product that was created to make a parents life easier. It was a simple option to heat the food without resorting to the stove or the microwave. With all devices there are always positives and negatives in using them. It was good at keeping the temperature the same, and also gave parents the option to carry it if they were going to be mobile. On the downside some devices could take a long time to warm the food and faulty heating elements could cause the bottle to melt.

The author, James Dalton has written on this topic to highlight the good and bad of certain products. He has also written on glass baby bottles and fondue pots. All of these have pros and cons associated with them. Please view his articles if you enjoyed this.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Purpose of the Baby Bottle Warmer

Having a baby is one of the greatest gifts parents can have. A baby is the result of the union of man and woman and it brings so much joy into the parent's lives. A baby is not fun and laughs all the time, as there are things such as crying, changing and feeding which all can make baby raising a harder job than it is. This article will examine an appliance that makes it easier for parents to handle their baby raising, this product is the baby bottle warmer.

A baby bottle warmer is a product that is responsible for heating up a baby's formula, milk or liquid food. It accomplishes this by allowing up to two baby bottles to be placed into the device. Once in there, a heating element warms the liquid up to a temperature that is safe for a baby to handle. The device is designed where it will keep the temperature constant and not make it too hot or too cool for the baby. This optimum temperature makes it a very useful device for parents as it is hard to keep track of a heated bottle in the microwave. The baby bottle warmer is also useful for heating jars and bottles and this makes it a multi-dimensional product.

There are different types of baby bottle warmers aside from the one which you can use in your house. Some companies have made portable ones which can be used if a parent is out on the road and needs to heat the food on the go. There are also warmers that are made specifically for the car. These are extremely useful if you are going on a car trip or some other journey in your automobile. Using both of these products, the car and portable warmer makes it better for the baby as they are able to get their food on the go.

Making sure that your baby is fed is part of the job description when you have a young child. Ensuring that your baby's food is warm and at the correct temperature is one aspect that parents have to be sure that they get right. Luckily the baby bottle warmer exists, that means you will be able to heat the food and keep it at the correct temperature with no problems. There have also been other types of warmers such as car and portable have made it easier for baby's to get their food warm if they are outside of the house.

James Dalton enjoys writing on topics having to do with babies. He already has a website that focuses on glass baby bottles. You can also find child related topics on his site organic sunscreen. There are many more articles he writes on baby products. Just check out his list of articles for more.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fleece baby blanket - The Cutest Gift For a New Born

Stores abound with multiple baby gifts and tokens. We have also to contend with numerous brands who promise the best of joy and comfort for the little darlings. But choosing the right gift can be confusing as it has to be something special and extraordinary and at the same time comfortable for tender bodies. Baby blanket is a wonderful item that can offer cozy comfort babies love. And among the several options fleece baby blanket is a popular choice.

Fleece baby blanket is made of soft wool fibers to keep the baby warm. These good quality fleece blanket do not shrink or get faded. These are available in different sizes and colors and even come in various designs, with the baby's name and birth date embroidered in them.

There are different kinds of blankets to choose from and for different ages and sizes. These include the small baby blanket, long blanket, personalized blanket among others. The size depends on the age of the baby. The blanket is often used as a baby wrap. Therefore, the length should be sufficient enough to cover the little body properly.

Before going to buy the blanket for the baby, there are certain things that should be taken into account. Like the quality or the material of the blanket. Though, it depends on the type of baby blanket preferred one must make sure that the material should be soft, comfortable and does not shrink after a wash.

The fleece baby blanket can be easily made as it is made up of wool fabrics. In fact the stitching is not at all complicated and can be made with simple straight stitches. This makes these blankets cheaper than the others. Even the material or the kind of wool used is easily available. And the most interesting fact about the fleece baby blanket is that it is easy to wash.

The fleece baby blanket is a popular choice for young mothers who are shopping for the baby's comfort as well as theirs. And this makes it a much loved gift concept as well for friends and family at showers and new born parties. The benefit of the baby blanket is that it makes a very comfortable wrap. It helps the baby sleep faster and for a longer time thus making it a perfect buy for the new little darling.

Maria Joseph is an expert in baby care product designs and a freelance writer in a baby care magazine. For more details on baby blanket she recommends you to visit

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Soft Organic Toys - Know What Goes Into Your Child's Mouth

In these days of frightening toy recalls, parents worry a great deal about their children's toys. This is especially true for parents of infants and toddlers who just have to put everything in their mouths. The children can't help it, but what is a parent to do to ensure that what their children are mouthing and chewing on is really safe?

Soft organic toys are one answer to take away the worry and stress about your child's toys. Organic toys can be made from either ultra-soft cotton or wool. The manufacturers use only vegetable dyes to give them color. They also don't have anything on or in them that could be a potential choking hazard.

This makes soft organic toys great for little ones who have to taste the world as they go. Soft organic toys are also a good choice for infants and toddlers who are teething. Simply wet them with water and stick them in the freezer. Once they're frozen, give them to your child to chew on.

These types of organic toys are a wonderful alternative to the regular teething products you find on the market which contain water that you have no idea where it comes from or how safe it is. Some of them use a gel that is even more "iffy" when it comes to being certain that it's safe. In fact, there was a recent recall on teething rings such as these.

The fact that the cotton and wool the soft organic toys are made from is grown under strict conditions and processed using no dangerous chemicals at all makes organic toys even more appealing to parents who are looking for safe toy alternatives. And this can probably be said of most every parent these days as the toy recalls just keep coming and get more serious each day.

You can find soft organic toys at some retailers. The selection, though, is extremely limited. There's a much wider selection to be found online. You just want to be sure that you're buying from a reputable site that is truly selling completely organic soft toys.

So when it comes to toy safety for the infant and toddler set, you can rest assured that you're buying the best alternative when you purchase soft organic toys. Your child will love them-and you'll feel comfortable knowing that what your child is chewing on is totally safe. And you need that security today more than ever.

Alma Newton is mother of four and grandmother of three, and takes great pleasure in offering you the very best of the organic cotton bedding, clothing and cloth diapers that she can find. Please visit her website at Soft Organic Cotton Baby Toys and find what you need for your special little person.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Use of Codeine - and Dextromethorphan-Containing Cough Remedies in Children

There is numerous prescription and nonprescription medications currently available for suppression of cough symptoms in children. There is also reported adverse effects and over dosage associated with giving cough and cold preparations to children. Patients and parents need to learn about the "lack" of proven antitussive effects and the potential risks of these products.

What is a cough?

• It is a reflex response to mechanical, chemical, or inflammatory irritation
• The cough is a physiologic function to clear airways of obstructive or irritating material or to warn of noxious substances breathed in from the air.

In diseases such as asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cystic fibrosis and a variety of inflammatory conditions, excessive and/or abnormal airway secretions may occur. The cough reflex helps maintain airway potency by clearing out these secretions. The clearing of these secretions is essential and may be helped along by chest physiotherapy. Therefore, cough suppression may adversely affect patients with conditions such as asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cystic fibrosis by creating a build up of secretions, airway obstruction, secondary infection and hypoxemia. In other words, the cough is a necessary function for getting rid of excess secretions in some conditions and should not be suppressed with a cough remedy.

Many of the common respiratory conditions in which a cough is present last only a few days. A cough may also be an expression of airway reactivity or asthma. These types of cough symptoms can be satisfactorily managed with fluids and increased ambient humidity. If a cough continues for many days and is persistent, it is usually due to a secondary infection, allergy (including asthma), environmental irritants (cigarette smoke, dust particles) or a foreign body. The cause of this type of cough should be determined by a health care professional for a long lasting benefit and remedy to the patient.

Antitussive Formulas

Most cough suppressants are mixtures of dextromethorphan or codeine with antihistamines, decongestants, expectorants, and or antipyretics. Some nonprescription cough medicines substitute diphenhydramine or eucalyptus oil in the place of codeine or dextromethorphan. Prescription cough medicines may substitute other narcotic agents such as hydrocodone or hydromorphone for codeine and may be more addictive than codeine. Many of the cough products are also elixirs that contain up to 25% alcohol by volume.

Codeine and dextromethorphan are effective cough suppressants in adults, but similar effectiveness has not been demonstrated in children. Because there are numerous cough and cold preparations readily available over-the-counter, many people think the medications are safe and effective for their children. Studies have shown antitussive preparations given to children is not effective and may even be potentially harmful.

Decongestant (sympathomimetic) components of these mixtures given to children have been associated with:

• Irritability
• Restlessness
• Lethargy
• Hallucination
• Hypertension
• Dystonic reactions

The above reactions may vary with age and disease state.

Why is it possible for these symptoms to occur in children?

• The hepatic enzyme system that metabolizes drugs in young children is relatively immature; therefore, the risk of an adverse effect when using these medicines, especially in infants younger than 6 months is greater.
• When the decongestant mixtures are combined with other drugs such as acetaminophen, the metabolism and/or toxicity may also be changed and cause the child problems.
• In addition, the dosing guidelines for these agents are based on extrapolation from adult data without consideration of a child's potentially unique metabolism and disposition.

Based upon the studies given us at this time, antitussive preparations provide few positive effects when given to children and may even be potentially harmful. Indications for their use in children have not been established.

Suppression of cough reflex in many pulmonary airway diseases may be hazardous and contraindicated. Parents should realize that coughs due to acute viral airway infections are short-lived. Treatment consists of fluids and humidity. If you give your child a cough suppressant during this time you may be inviting more serious problems rather than helping the child get rid of a cough. A cough that last longer than a few days warrants a health care provider evaluation to determine the underlying cause.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved

Written by: Connie Limon Visit for an extensive list of articles all about babies and toddlers. For a variety of FREE reprint articles rarely seen elsewhere visit

Monday, December 3, 2007

Intorducing to The Son : Ammar

Does he cute or not? Its 10:33 opppss got to go... Ammar is crying!... I'll continue tommorow. Do you feel the Love in the Air tonight?

Another Cycle of Cradle to the Cradle !

I'm sure you have heard about Cradle to the Grave. This blog is nothing but to change that perception into something more Meaningfull & Less Selfish; Its Cradle to the Cradle. I'm sure you got the message.

Ammar.Ema.Sulaiman is my PEN name. Consist a name of a Son, A Mother & a Father. It is now my legacy to go through another cycle of Cradle to the Cradle.

Baby Sun Protection

You may have heard the advice that it's best to keep a baby out of the sun entirely. This can be a challenge, especially with babies that are a little bit older: old enough to protest being covered up by a blanket, but too young to let you know he's getting a sunburn or to move out of the sun into a shady spot. So what's a parent to do? After all, it's important to give your baby outside play time too. So how do you balance the need for fun and exercise with the need to protect your baby's skin? By using the right baby sun protection.

Experts recommend that babies under six months old NEVER be exposed to direct sunlight. There are a number of reasons for this. First, its common sense that baby's skin is more sensitive than an older child's or adult's skin, and therefore more susceptible to sun damage. In fact, a baby's skin is thinner and will burn and sustain long-term UV damage in a much shorter time than children or adults, and once the damage is done it can never be undone. Baby sun protection is important due to the fact that babies have more skin per square inch of body mass than children and adults, so a sunburn would be much more serious (and painful) for a baby. Unfortunately, baby's sensitive skin may not be very tolerant of sunscreen either. In fact, opinion is still divided as to whether it is safe for babies younger than six months to wear sunscreen. Since a baby's thin skin may absorb more of the sunscreen than a child or adult's skin would, and since it was not known what the long-term effects of sunscreen would be, experts once recommended that parents not use sunscreen on babies under six months. More recently, the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Academy of Pediatrics have stated that no adverse effects have been noted from the use of sunscreen on young babies/infants. However, sunburns do pose a significant danger to babies, and so it may be appropriate to use sunscreen on babies younger than six months. However, it is better, if possible, to simply eliminate sun exposure altogether for this age group by using sun protective clothing, sunglasses, hats, blankets, covered strollers, etc.

If you are a parent, you know the challenges that begin when babies become more mobile. While an infant won't object to having a blanket draped over his carrier or car seat an older baby will most certainly balk at this. Experts agree that babies six months and older can and should be covered with a layer of sunscreen on a daily basis, and certainly when they are outside. This way, when blankets fail or baby insists on having the roof removed from his stroller he will be protected from the sun's UV rays. Don't forget to protect baby from the sun during long car rides too. While the car's windows will block some of the sun's UV rays, a few of them do manage to pass through and babies have been known to sustain serious sunburns while riding in car seats, so baby sun protection is vital in the car too.

It's important to be vigilant when baby is in the sun. Sunscreen should not be an excuse for indifference. You wouldn't give your child a lifejacket and then walk away from him while he swims in a lake. Neither should you put sunscreen on a baby and then assume he's protected for the rest of the day. Sunscreen is only one step in the process of UV protection, and should be considered the least effective one. Babies should be dressed in UV protective clothing if possible. This doesn't mean you should be tempted, though, to put long sleeves on your baby in July to protect him from the sun. Babies should always be dressed in a manner that you would dress yourself. If it's 90Ú outside you probably wouldn't put on a sweatshirt, so don't dress baby in one either. Babies are at a greater risk of overheating than adults are, so t-shirts and shorts are best when the temperature soars. Instead, stick to shady areas when outdoors. Putting a wide-brimmed hat on baby will offer more shade when a tree isn't available, and don't forget to protect his eyes with sunglasses. If you do take baby to the park or the pool limit the amount of time he is in direct sunlight to 15 minutes at a time. Then spend 15 minutes in the shade, and take time to examine his skin for signs of sunburn, and reapply sunscreen if necessary.

Dressing your baby in UV protective clothing can greatly decrease his risk of sun damage. Using UV protective clothing will allow him to remain cool in hot weather, while still having an extra layer of sun protection. Be sure you apply sunscreen under the clothing, not just to the parts of his skin that are exposed to sunlight. Sunscreen plus clothing plus hats/sunglasses equal layers of protection that will keep your baby's skin safe, and ultimately protect his health. So make baby sun protection a priority every time you go out, even for short periods of time. It only takes a few extra minutes, and may provide a lifetime of protection for his health.